We invite Russian software development companies, telecom providers, mobile content developers and others interested in cooperation with Finnish hi-tech companies apply for the participation in the Partner Matchmaking session. We expect circa 15 representatives of Finnish growth companies with focus on Digital Media and Mobility who are seeking partnering opportunities with St Pete’s IT and Telecom market players. Here is a great chance for you to have one-to-one meetings with Finnish participants.
The program:
9.30 – 12.30 TechnopolisBusiness Breakfast “Commercializing technology”
9.30 Registration and Breakfast
9.55 Welcome. Olga Andreeva, DS manager, Technopolis
10.00 Inventions as the platform for fruitful business. Process and case examples. Teemu Seppälä, Marketing Manager, Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE)
10.45 VTT’s way of commercializing technology. Irene Hernberg, Chief Communications Manager, VTT
11.30 End of Technopolis Business Breakfast
11.30 One2one meetings. Please book in advance
12.30 –16.30 Partner Matchmaking session
12.00 –14.00 Lunch at Technopolis restaurant for the pre-registered matchmaking session participants
14.00 –16.00 One2one meetings with Finnish companies
16.00 –16.30 Day wrap-up
Participation is free of charge, but limited to 2 representatives from one company.
Please register by 12.09.2011 at www.technopolis.fi/eventcalendar or by sending email to olga.andreeva@technopolis.fi: